Will you reshape the world of these children?

Listening to some gospel music always brings tears to my eyes and causes my heart to race. They made me feel as if I were being called by the Master asking me: “will you come and follow me if I call your name? Will you leave your old self behind? Will you let me answer their prayer in you?” I always fear the magnitude of the task ahead of me, if I said yes to him. But, as I kept listening to the Summons, the call is becoming louder and louder, and I feel compelled to say yes to the Master of the universe. As he is asking me, will you be my eyes, my ears, my hands, and heart? Will you be willing to answer that call for these children that I will ask you to care for? Then my answer is yes Lord, I will!
I finally quelled the fear inside and said yes to him, because I know that he needs me to be the vessel that he will use to reach out for the ones in need. We have a long list of children who did not make it to school this year, due to their grave losses when Hurricane Matthew hitting their homes. My wish is for them to go back to school this upcoming school year with a full scholarship. And so I ask you, “would you be willing to share this task with us? Would you help answer their prayers? I encourage you to join DALH (Diligent Act of Love for Haiti) to reshape the world of these children and to light the path on the dark road that they’ve been forced to tread.
Love you Jessie and those in Haiti.
Donation given through me by Jim and Erin Bowers.
In Carmel’s love and peace-