With empty Hands!

Haiti has been very unfortunate to be the center of countless catastrophic situations but these people have the resilience that keeps them going and stay strong.
After the earthquake of January 12th, 2010, I thought that everything was over for my Haitian folks because of the enormous devastations, But these people invented hope where there was no light of hope to be seen.
At this catastrophic period, I realized for the first time of my life how powerless I was. My people lost everything they possessed including innocent lives. more than 300.000 persons died. It was difficult to meet a family without a lost. For some people, it was just another catastrophic episode on television. But for me it was the city I grew up in, the streets I used to walk in, the neighbors I used to greet, the friends I went to school with, on and on.
At this very moment, I asked myself a relevant question about what I could do to support the people in my community? Well, one of the answers was to raise money through a concert. First, the choir Joyful Noise Singer, answered the call, followed by a friend from Pensacola opera in Florida, then Hector Louis Jeune and his fellow Haitian Band of New Orleans joined me in the adventure and, of course, other kind friends from the Pensacola community.
As a result, we were able to raise $3000.00 for two different catholic youth communities to help support activities that could help dealing with the earthquake trauma. Some other people with humanitarians hearts gave some clothes to support my Haitian communities.
Well if you consider the gigantic dimension of the problems and the tiny effort we have accomplished, you may see it like a cup of water in the sea. But, I may disagree with you by saying we did something with empty hands. Mother Teressa would say:” If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed one.”
Having the privilege to reach out to others. experiencing generosity, love, and compassion of others. These are called the diligent act of love.
Marie Jessie A. Elusma
I read your text and I can say it is really touching. Good luck in your new endeavor. I am looking forward to collaborating with you.